New York City Wedding Officiant


New York City, New York
Meet the Vendor


OFFICIANT NYC has been servicing all 5 Boroughs of New York City and North New Jersey for 16+ years.

(Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, North New Jersey & Long Island). This group of professional officiants want to help you make your wedding day just like you've always dreamed it to be.

Our officiants are warm, charismatic, personable professionals from the Theatre, Film, Writing & Public Speaking fields. You know you will get a great delivery.

We listen carefully to your needs and feelings. We want your wedding ceremony to stand the test of time by using words and emotions that ring true to you so that you never forget them. Our process of creating ceremonies is down to earth, organized and suited to your needs. Getting married is a celebration of love & commitment between two people. At the same time it also combines families and friends. We never overlook the ones that love you, support you and will always be there for you. We want your day to be a joyous, stress free occasion.

Officiant NYC is here to help you begin your journey with the perfect ceremony to honor your commitment & rejoice in your future together. We strive to be a cornerstone of your memories on your very special day.

Our officiants are Bilingual and competent in English, Spanish, French, Mandarin & Other Languages.


New York City, New York
Long Island, New York
Northern New Jersey, New Jersey
Will Travel

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