Featured Ash Imagery Weddings
About Ash Imagery
Think of a defining moment in your life. Think of how intimate it was; how emotional you were; how elated, angry, scared, anxious, or upset you felt. Take your time. Please. Think about the moments surrounding those moments. That memory is made up of a series of frames set in motion. But more often than not, one specific visual image comes to mind. Do you have one? That image is burned into your memory. Its always there, waiting to be brought forward at any point you'd like. One moment frozen in time. That's what I do. Imagine if a photographer was present at each of those defining moments. Secretly capturing what is playing out in front of their eyes. The pictures you would have would be intense, alive, and full of emotion. Rather than just a memory you would have a gift of an image. Right there in front of you. How amazing would that be? How powerful would those pictures be? Could you ever put a value on them?That's what I do. In every one of those memories you drum up, in each image that comes to mind as a smile or frown comes across your face, how many of them would involve you looking and smiling at a camera. If it involves another person, would you be looking at each other or at a camera? If its just you, would you be looking at a camera? No, you wouldn't. Moments like that aren't planned. They are not set up, directed, or staged. They are real. Alive. Together. Alone. Wherever they are or whatever is involved, those moments are part of a movement. I believe they should be captured in the same way. A series of true frames that tell a story. That's what I do. I do my best to relate to you. I do my best to make you comfortable so I can tell your story. We hang out, we laugh, we talk, and we have fun. I'm not doing this to provide you with generic images. This isn't just a business to me. This is my passion. I do this to capture your relationship with a camera; to capture those small moments that make up your lives. Those little things that make you who you are are what I love the most. I'd be willing to bet its what your partner, spouse, friend, or family member loves the most as well. I document those. I prove to you it happened. When you brought up those memories from 5, 10, even 20 years ago you thought of a single moment, a picture. I'm sure you are thinking of one right now. In 5,10, 20 years from now I don't want you to have to think of that moment, I want you to see it. In print. Right there before your eyes. That's what I do. I love what I do.