New York City Wedding Music

DJ Sam French

New York City, New York

Featured DJ Sam French Weddings

6 Weddings
Meet the Vendor

About DJ Sam French

DJ Sam French is one of the most versatile and in demand DJ's on the East coast. At just 26 years old, DJ Sam French has already had a career most people twice his age would envy. Up & Down and 1Oak are just some of his regular spots, with St. Barth's, Mallorca and Las Vegas also part of his routine. While attending Columbia College in NYC, he built a reputation as one of the best big-room DJs in the city, travelling around the world on weekends. Despite his busy schedule, Sam also manages a number of bands and songwriters. Stay up to date with Sam French @djsamfrench.


New York City, New York
Brooklyn, New York
Westchester, New York

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