Cincinnati Wedding Invitations


Cincinnati, Ohio

Featured Poeme Weddings

8 Weddings
Meet the Vendor

About Poeme

My skills involve color, type, print, and “design-y” things, BUT my super-hero powers have been defined as “Mother-of-the Bride Whisperer”, “Etiquette-Enthusiast” and “Wordsmith Wizard”. I have yet to meet a Bride-(or Groom)-zilla, and I think this has to do with the fact that with good communication and proper guidance, our clients can enjoy the process. I translate the vision you have for your celebration and put your story on paper, and if I can do it in a way that allows you to enjoy the process, then I have done my job!

I could not do any of this without a dream team dedicated to reliable responses, adhering to timelines, and researching and brainstorming new trends, materials and design. Luckily, all of this professionalism is wrapped in a solid layer of good humor and genuine enjoyment. It’s a pleasure to come to work every day and I am proud of what we do together and how we do it. We hope you will enjoy our process too!


Cincinnati, Ohio
Louisville, Kentucky
Columbus, Ohio
Will Travel

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