New York City Wedding Band

Sound Society band

New York City, New York

Featured Sound Society band Weddings

4 Weddings
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About Sound Society band

Unrivaled Entertainment!

Sound Society Band is a talented music group offering wedding music to couples in New York, NY, as well as Boston and Washington, D.C. These musicians put on high-energy performances that elevate weddings with exceptional experiences.

These highly skilled professionals have worked with a number of renowned artists, from Stevie Wonder to Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, and Tony Bennett. The team can organize a wedding band in a number of different ways, customized to suit your taste. Choose from a range of packages, which include 9- to 14-piece bands featuring vocalists and percussionists in addition to horn and rhythm sections. This creates a larger-than-life sound and one-of-a-kind entertainment. No matter which service you select, the concierge service will guide you every step of the way to help you create an unforgettable experience for your special day.


New York City, New York
Dallas, Texas
Boston, Massachusetts
Will Travel


Live Music
Lighting and Sound Production

Carats & Cake
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