St. Louis Wedding Music

Spectrum Band

St. Louis, Missouri

Featured Spectrum Band Weddings

2 Weddings
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About Spectrum Band

St. Louis based Spectrum Band is St. Louis' Premier Variety Dance Band. Based on client feedback, Spectrum Band is a 12 time winner of The Knot's Best of Weddings, and a proud member of The Knot's Hall of Fame. With over 200 reviews on The Knot alone and 400 publicly posted 5-Star Reviews from past clients, you can trust that Spectrum Band is the right band to deliver supurb professionalism, stellar musical performances, and a packed dance floor for your reception!

Established in 1997, Spectrum Band has performed for over 1000 wedding receptions and is one of St. Louis' most sought after bands for weddings and private events. Spectrum Band can perform at rehearsals, ceremonies, receptions, afterparties, cocktail receptions, and more. Their most popular format is a 9 piece band featuring male and female vocalists, a full horn section, and rhythm section, however smaller formats of the band are available. Also, when you choose Spectrum Band, emcee services, continuous playback music during times when the band isn't playing, and use of our wireless microphones for speeches and toasts are always FREE! Regardless of which format you prefer, your guests will surely be complimenting you on your choice of entertainment for your wedding.


St. Louis, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Springfield, Missouri
Will Travel

Spectrum Band Portfolio
Spectrum Band
Spectrum Band
Spectrum Band
Spectrum Band
Spectrum Band
Spectrum Band
Spectrum Band
Spectrum Band
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