New York City Wedding Florist

Sterling Fell Florists

New York City, New York

Featured Sterling Fell Florists Weddings

1 Weddings
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About Sterling Fell Florists

Sterling Fell has created floral arrangements that have graced iconic Manhattan venues such as The Pierre Hotel, The Ritz Carlton, The Waldorf Astoria, The Sinclair Mansion (The Ukrainian Institute of America), The Park Avenue Armory, The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers, etc. Our philosophy is simple: We listen to our clients to understand exactly what it is that they want. If a client is not sure, we will help guide them with ease and comfort to realize what it is they want. We then tirelessly execute their vision coupled with our ideas and design expertise to create custom works of art for their events.


New York City, New York
Brooklyn, New York
Westchester, New York

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