Featured Day 7 Photography Weddings
About Day 7 Photography
My name is Sean Hsueh, and I'm based in Austin, Texas. I love everything about photography Ò the nerdy stuff, the creative opportunity, and everything in between. My dad was always into photography, so I picked up one of his cameras in 7th grade and have been shooting ever since. I started following wedding photographers in high school, and they inspired me beyond my imagination. I have always connected with photography and visual story telling at a deep level. Whether it is through advertising in the commercial industry, or a short film that tugs the heart, it sticks with me. My love for story telling has brought me to an appreciation of good lighting, angles, and quality visuals. But the reason why I love photography is not just because I like cameras, gadgets, and good pictures. It goes beyond that and goes back to what I believe about how God created. DAY 7 is about slowing down and enjoying the world around us. The name DAY 7 is a reference to creation in the Bible. God created the world and everything in it, then on the 7th day he rested and enjoyed his creation. One way to describe portrait photography is to say that it's about making people look beautiful. I think that's one way to put it. . but I think it's even simpler than that. We are already beautiful.
San Antonio,