Featured Alain Martinez Studio Weddings

About Alain Martinez Studio
Alain Martinez LLC is a lifestyle and wedding studio that specializes in capturing important milestones in people's lives around the world. The studio was founded by Alain Martinez after traveling through Paris in 2005. Alain has grown it to be a full service studio that can cater to any photographic and cinematic need. Our team is small but powerful. We are a boutique-style studio which only undertakes a small number of projects each year. Alain and Melannie are the lead artists who can combine their efforts for the ultimate photographic and cinematic experience or they can split up and lead two separate teams when more than one client desires to commission our studio. Each event is covered by one (or two) main artist(s) and one assistant. During a consultation we can help you decide what is the best combination between artist and budget.
Fort Lauderdale,
Palm Beach,
Will Travel