Italy Wedding Planner / Designer

Caterina Weddings


Featured Caterina Weddings Weddings

1 Weddings
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About Caterina Weddings

My name is Caterina Testardi

and I am a Destination Wedding Planner and a Wedding Designer. I organize weddings for Italian and foreign couples fulfilling their small and big desires.

My mission is to make sure that everything is perfect and exclusive in full respect of the budget, taste and personality of the couple.
I create the event together with the bride and groom, listening to them with extreme attention and trying to understand what they really want, then I design that day with care and attention to every detail. I love to give life to a unique event that will tell everything about the spouses and that is in their image and likeness.
None of my marriages are alike because every bride and groom is unique!



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