Featured David Waldorf Weddings
About David Waldorf
I am the hap≠pi≠est when I have a cam≠era in my hand and inter≠est≠ing peo≠ple, places and sto≠ries to photograph..I have been liv≠ing in San Fran≠cisco and shoot≠ing for over twenty five years now, yet with each new shoot I look for≠ward to the fresh, undis≠cov≠ered qual≠i≠ties of peo≠ple and places.I am lucky to have found my pas≠sion early in life and turn it into a pro≠fes≠sion. I have pho≠tographed sto≠ries and cov≠ers for Time Mag≠a≠zine as well as sto≠ries for Wired, Forbes, Men's Heath, Psy≠chol≠ogy Today, The New York Times Mag≠a≠zine, Entre≠pre≠neur, Ange≠leno and many oth≠ers. My per≠sonal work has been exhib≠ited and col≠lected in gal≠leries and muse≠ums in the US, France, Japan and Cen≠tral Amer≠ica. In my com≠mer≠cial work I have trav≠eled all over the world shoot≠ing stores for the African Develop Bank and World Bank as well as award win≠ning adver≠tis≠ing work for the Ritz Carlton.When I shoot your wed≠ding I bring all of my pho≠to≠graphic and sto≠ry≠telling expe≠ri≠ence to record those fleet≠ing moments into dig≠i≠tal images that can be shared with your friends and fam≠ily now and in the future. I LOVE to cap≠ture true moments in my pho≠tographs. Wed≠dings are full of these moments just wait≠ing to be chron≠i≠cled by my sen≠si≠tive and cre≠ative eye. I love what I do and hope that I get the chance to share and record some of your spe≠cial moments.
San Francisco,