Featured Kimberly Photography Weddings
About Kimberly Photography
Hello!Ü I'm Kimberly Romano, your Tampa Bay, Florida engagement and wedding photographer!Ü Those that know me call me bubbly, romantic, fun & organized. . . however, you can call me out for a cheeseburger anytime!Ü Yum!I'm a wife to the most supportive husband for 17 years, mama to a lovable, silly 7 year old and a rescue mom to our family dog, Bogey. Ü You'll most find me in jeans and a t-shirt when I'm not working out. Ü I'm also very passionate about living life in the most positive way. Ü Motivating and encouraging others to reach their goals is something that makes my heart happy. I've put this practice of living my life to the fullest by stepping outside my comfort zone to help others do the same in front of my camera. Ü You see, I believe there is so much more to engagement and wedding photography (or any photography really!) then knowing how to take pretty pictures. Ü You can have the most technically sound photographer in front of you that produces gorgeous images and still not love them. Ü Sound crazy?I know this from personal experience. . . I have images from a session that are beautiful photos. Ü People compliment them all the time but we don't like them. Ü The photographer didn't really give us a lot of direction and we were nervous the whole time. Ü 'Are we doing this right?' we would say to each other as we stood in an unnatural pose. Ü Even though the images are technically beautiful, we don't like them because we remember how we felt during the session. Ü Now every time I see those images, how we felt is all we see. Bound and determined to break the mold, it's my mission to not only educate you on what to expect or how to prepare but to create an environment where you feel free to let your personality soar. Ü Your wedding day is going to be full of emotions, don't let fear of being in front of a camera be one of them. Want to learn more on getting the most out of your photography experience?Ü Check out our Wedding Photography Guides on our blog!If you could use a little more motivation, inspiration, push to help reach your goals; then follow me on Instagram!