Featured Lavender & Rose Weddings

About Lavender & Rose
Lavender & Rose designs, plans and coordinates bespoke destination weddings in the beautiful South of France for an international clientele. Based in Cannes on the glamorous French Riviera, the company has a varied portfolio of exceptional venues, from sea view luxury villas on the CŸte d'Azur, to rustic chic Chateaux in Provence wine country. Lavender & Rose's Co-Directors Jennifer Rocher and Kerry Bracken Lacquement have built a network of superb local vendors and they often collaborate with internationally renowned wedding professionals from the US, UK and other European destinations. At Lavender & Rose each wedding is considered to be a unique event; Kerry and Jennifer approach the concept for each wedding with a totally fresh outlook. By taking on a limited number of weddings each season, Kerry and Jennifer are able to create a close bond with their clients and ensure that the wedding is a true reflection of them as individuals and as a couple.