Featured Photography By Vanessa Weddings
About Photography By Vanessa
I truly appreciate you taking the time to look through my portfolio. I take a tremendous amount of pride in my work, and I hope that every photograph I create for you is a unique work of art. VanessaTHINGS I LOVE!Margaritas, a good chick flick, fresh flowers, going to nice restaurants, running, reading , WILCO!, David Sedaris, hanging out at the pool with the wee-ones, traveling, not making plans and just going with the flow, girls lunches (no boys allowed), french food, date night with the old man ;), a good lipstick, shopping, stalking other ARTISTS' blogs, shawls (it's the mexican in me), crown & coke, nice bags, a good red blend, playing canasta with the folks, my BLOG!!!!!!
San Antonio,