Featured JeLau Photography Weddings
About JeLau Photography
JeLau Photography is based in Monterey, California and travels world-wide capturing people's love stories. Alright, now that that's out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff.
I could regale you with all of my amazing accomplishments and drive my way into Brag City but what does that mean if I can't connect with you? I care more about having things in common than telling you all of the things I've done. My work stands for itself and if you like it, you like it.
I limit my gluten, dairy, raw pineapple and now sadly oats. Oh, and I’m allergic to dogs, dust, and pollen. So literally nobody is more annoying than me at a restaurant and none of your requests will annoy me either.
I’m looking forward to getting to know and work with you. I’d love to know a fun fact about you, so for the brave, please send it in your inquiry. All love welcome. LBGTQ+ Friendly.
San Francisco,
South America
Will Travel