Brooklyn Wedding Photographer

Terri Diamond Photography

Brooklyn, New York

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About Terri Diamond Photography

My camera has always been my best friend. I learned photographs are created with more than just the knowledge of an F-stop; my images are filled with intoxicatingly raw emotion, exposing an intimate look at love, families, and the celebrations of life. My portraits will not only reveal your beauty and grace but what is behind your eyes or the expression on your face. Creating a sense of having stumbled upon a private moment, before you can look away, you will be drawn into the feeling and then dazzled by colors, shapes, and perspective. During sessions, I am guided by inspiration from contemporary art and photographers like Eggleston and Arbus, helping me to capture with clarity and acuity the "sounds" of life's moments. Nothing feels more perfect, then when I am behind my camera being your eyes. When we work together, expect to have fun and to be treated with care, kindness, and concern with every detail.


Brooklyn, New York
New York City, New York
Long Island, New York

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