Greensboro Wedding Venue

The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee

1 Lake Oconee Trail, Greensboro, Georgia 30642

Featured The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee Weddings

8 Weddings
Meet the Venue

About The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee

1 Lake Oconee Trail, Greensboro, Georgia 30642

Set along 30 acres of pristine Lake Oconee shoreline dotted with Georgia pines, The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds Lake Oconee is the ideal setting for a wedding celebration steeped in natural wonder. Introducing The Pointe, a secluded outdoor setting with panoramic lake views, and The Pavilion, a farmhouse-inspired venue with stone fireplaces, timber-trussed ceiling, and hand-made iron chandeliers. Brimming with casual elegance and warm southern hospitality, experience legendary Ritz-Carlton service along with our salon and spa, championship golf courses, and sporting grounds to create an unforgettable wedding weekend.


Atlanta, Georgia

The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee Portfolio
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee
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